Monday, October 22, 2007

Sleep Deprived

Hey Ya'll...Does anyone have any tips on how to get your baby to sleep through the night??? My baby, Marlee, is 9 months old and is still waking up EVERY 2 HOURS!!! It all started b/c I was so worried that her crying would wake up her older sister who's room is right next to hers that I would run to get her. So, now I'm stuck and she is so used to me coming in and picking her up and nursing her back to sleep. I never had this problem with my 1st b/c the day I gave her formula(6 weeks) she slept through the night! So, I'm at a loss. My Dr. told me to let her cry, but I am just too weak to let her do it. It makes me too sad. So, if you have any ideas, I'm willing to try them...Thanks...Eliza


similarcreatures said...

I may not be the most experienced mom to give you advice as I only have one and she is just 6 months old, but she sleeps by us (we're not the "let them cry" parents either), and when she wakes up at night I nurse her in bed- and she doesn't actually wake up- she eats at midnight, 3 and 6am, but once she starts tossing and turning, I feed her. Her eyes neve open and she doesn't cry- because she knows I'm there, she doesn't have to cry to get her needs met- the whole thing takes about 10 minutes- she doesn't really wake up, and I can do it dosing... Anyway, modern literature that I've read says that a child who can trust that their needs will be met becomes a secure adult- so we keep her by us (cosleeper) and well, she doesn't cry- and we all sleep pretty well.

EricaMartin said...

I also used the co-sleeper basinett so that Alena and I barely woke up when she needed to nurse. The other key to our success was that I learned to nurse her lying down.