Thursday, August 23, 2007

Finger foods for Baby w/no Teeth?

I only know as much as my 8-month old has taught me, so sorry I can't offer toddler food suggestions. Thinking about this made me realize you ladies might have some insight on what I can feed my daughter Alena. She has no teeth but is at the stage where she insists on grabbing the spoon/bowl to feed herself. I need food large enough for her to successfully bring to her mouth, that won't be a choking hazard. We've not yet had luck with her being willing to eat cheerios, well-cooked broccoli stalks, cut up bananas or sweet potatoes (too mushy!). I might try tofu, small pieces of cheese and egg whites. I realize this could be a phase where Alena merely needs to explore the texture of food in her hand but I want to make sure she actually consumes something! Any other ideas?

1 comment:

Mo said...

Hi! I peeked at Alena's blog yesterday and could not believe how big she's getting! She looks so happy to be standing.
Anyway, fwiw, here are some finger foods Maya accepted when she was first starting on them:
-grapes peeled and cut in quarters
-kidney and black beans slightly smushed OR cut in half
-blueberries cut in half
-avocado chunks
-bits of peeled plum

---I bet Tracy could give you some good suggestions too!