Thursday, August 9, 2007

Ode to Target

Twelve-dozen diapers for twenty greenbacks
Fragrance-free butt wipes that come in eight-packs

Circo-brand onesies for $4.99
Cute Robeez knock-offs fit perfectly fine

Dig through the dollar bin for baby socks
The soft-pretzel/Starbucks stand totally rocks

Diaper Genie refills are always on sale
Got some nice sand toys: shovel and pail

And I recently snapped up two handbags from there
(Buying only for Maya just wouldn’t be fair)

Grabbed fake Chuck Taylors that Seth thinks are cute
Threw them into the cart with the piles of kid-loot

A week without Target’s like a week without sun

Spending money on cheap crap is awfully fun!

-Written by work...while her boss was watching YouTube videos


similarcreatures said...

alarming and intriguing all at the same time... I'm glad that we can use this forum for artistic expression!

Ann Carlson said...

OMG! This is totally amazing. More, more!!